Youth Ministry 

Our youth ministry serves youth from 7th – 12th grade. Some of our youth ministry includes all youth and other aspects are divided into age levels (Jr. and Sr. High). Youth are an integral part of the church and we have the responsibility to help the youth grow in Christ and become fruitful members not only of the congregation, but also of the community. We help our youth to be leaders in the church now to support them as they grow as our future leaders. We have the responsibility to help the youth grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, and to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Our goal as youth ministry leaders is to help our youth learn about God and being Christians.


Youth Group

Provides a way for our youth to actively participate in the church.

Establishes an organization where the youth can have fun and fellowship with others their own age.

Teaches our youth about Christ, his church, and living as a Christian.

Provides a structure around which our youth can form their value systems under Christian guidelines.

Gives our youth a sense of belonging.

Provides our youth with a constructive outlet for their energy and social growth needs.

Provides the church with youthful insights into worship and related activities.

Provides an opportunity for our youth to serve others inside and outside the church.

Sierra Service Project

12 Youth and 3 Counselors traveled to Wellpinit WA (a short trek from Spokane) for our 2018 Sierra Service Project trip. We met up with many churches who had traveled from places such as San Ramon, Walnut Creek, Dixon and even as far as Montana to participate in Week 5 of SSP. It was dusty, hot and wasp infested yet nothing hampered the joy in servicing others, making new friends, learning new skills and growing in our faith and personal discovery. We are grateful for the opportunity that EGUMC provides to participate in such a life changing program. We are grateful for those who lent us vehicles, car top carriers, donated funds and donated their time to make this possible. We leave this summer with a new understanding of what it means to love courageously and hope to share this with our community.

Youth Activity Calendar

Spring – Lock-In (sleep over at the church)
Spring – 30 hour famine (to raise money for hunger ministries) or Faith and Sexuality seminar for teens and parents
April – Dinner and service auction (Youth fund-raiser)
June – Lodestar All Church Retreat
Summer – Santa Cruz Trip
Summer – Sierra Service Project  & UMC Youth Camps
August – Youth Informational Meeting & BBQ
October – UNICEF Collecting or CROP walk (a walk that benefits organizations that help with hunger)
Fall – Lock-In (sleep over at the church)
November – Variety/Talent Show that benefits Scholarship Fund
December – Christmas Caroling and Party
December – Shopping for Teen Wind Center and Adopted Family